Pornography and the stroke-survivor - a good thing?
On a post last week for my other blog, The Naked Strokie (, if you fancy a look), I mentioned how easy it is to find pornography on the internet these days. I did so because I was surmising that the audience statistics for that naturist blog were being boosted by people randomly Googling 'naked' while searching for porn. I took the view that I didn't really care how people found that blog, as long as they did. So why doesn't this blog have a more striking, keyword-friendly, title? I could have chosen 'The Sexual Strokie' or 'The Sexy Strokie'. But I wanted this blog to appeal to stroke-survivors (and others, obviously) who see themselves as sensual, but for whom sex is a struggle. They may be in need of a new sexual partner, their libido may have taken a dive post-stroke - they may still feel sensual, but words like 'sexy' or 'sexual' may be putting unnecessary pressure on them. I'd be interested to...