Sex and sunshine - a great combination

As I write, Britain is in the grip of that rare meteorological phenomenon, more than one day of warm sunshine. The temperature was in the high-70s yesterday and today and unless the forecasters have it spectacularly wrong, it will be tomorrow, as well.

In this country, that counts as an extended warm spell. And it's undoubtedly true that in warmer weather, people's thoughts turn to sex. We tend to wear less clothes (or if you are naturists, like my wife and I, wear none at all) and however the more old-fashioned type of naturist wants to think of it, wearing less/no clothes does turn the mind to sex.

And warm weather raises the spirits of a stroke-survivor, as well. I'm on a regular dose of blood-thinners, which reduce the probability of dangerous blood-clots forming but which also have the effect of reducing blood-temperature. I have been known to sit in our favourite pub in a scarf and thick coat at the end of May, when the weather wasn't that cold. It's not conducive to being sensual, sexual or even remotely comfortable, but it's keeping me alive.

Warm weather, then, is good and it got me thinking of the obvious attractions of enjoying sex outside in the sun. It is, of course, illegal and if you get caught, you'll get nicked but that goes for a number of things, doesn't it? For instance, my wife and I will happily admit to having done it on a deserted naturist beach in the Canary Islands (being naked does make things easier, of course) and on the balcony of a hotel room in the Caribbean.

A friend of mine goes all misty-eyed when she talks about the night spent making love on a beach in Goa ("It was very romantic, we did it lying on sunbeds, but I had to hide my knickers in the beach-umbrella!'') while another friend talked about making love lying on the bonnet of a car on a deserted  and sunkissed freeway in America ("I was sitting on the hood and he was standing between my legs".)

I once wrote a terrific short story about a middle-aged couple making love in a shaded suburban garden; it's one of many erotic stories I've written that I really ought to do something with. In my mind's eye, they were lying on a blanket on the grass, surrounded by huge conifers as the sun blazed down out of a clear blue sky (they were, of course, wearing Factor 30 sunscreen which has many benefits, one of which is that it makes everything more wet and lubricated).

Our two outdoor sex incidents were many years ago, well before my stroke. They are something we ought to repeat; indeed, we would have done so by now, if our house had a secluded garden - Sunshine, naked bodies and a feeling of sex in the air is an agreeably potent combination. Instead, it may have to wait until our next foreign holiday.

Where will that be? I'm not telling you, but it's definitely on our post-stroke bucket list. And sex outdoors in the sun should definitely be on yours.


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